Make Your Marketing Actually Work For You

Attraction Studio is BACK with more digital transformation workshops.
- Sick of seeing impressions and clicks but your sales and leads aren’t flowing?
- Tired of hearing the word ‘funnel’ and feel like you need someone to explain this in plain English?
- Sick of searching for online funnel tutorials, but coming away feeling even more confused?
- Are you sick of spending time & money on advertising, with no increase in revenue or business activity?
- Are you spending time & money on advertising, but not sure what it’s doing?
- Not sure how to improve your marketing ROI?
- What’s ROI you ask? (Ooo, tough crowd, but we’ll sort that for you).
- We’ll guide you through what marketing funnels are and give you practical, real-time advice on how to use them to improve your ROI.
- We’ll help you set up audience mapping where you’ll get a deeper understanding of your potential customers and clients.
- We’ll walk you through what a customer journey is, and provide you with the different marketing tools you’ll use at each stage.
- We’ll help you set up a complete marketing funnel for your business, giving you the tools to attract new customers/clients, convert them, and turn those them into loyal brand advocates.
- We’ll help you identify the quick wins (the leakiest parts of your current funnel) that you can prioritise resources towards and start generating more sales and leads (F* yeah).
Who is this for:
Business owners of SME businesses who want better results from their marketing.
Funding Availability
This workshop is registered with the Regional Business Partner Network. To explore if your business is eligible for support, contact Guy Graham, the business growth advisor for North Canterbury.
About Attraction Studio
Our purpose is to help you take your brand to a better place, and if we can help you do that, enjoy the process, and feel more empowered, then GREAT! That’s why we love working with ENC, and why we’ve put together this course. Attraction Studios presented the ’24 Hour Marketing Transformation’ courses at ENC in 2022/2023 to 128 participants who gave us a 100% satisfaction rating.
Feedback from Previous Courses
Second time I have attended an Attraction Studios workshop though Enterprise North Canterbury and I am never disappointed. I would recommend the course to any small business that wants to learn more about marketing avenues and how to make the most of their marketing dollar spend. The courses really help me narrow down my focus and make me feel more confident that I am reaching the right people through my marketing. The benefit of having questions answered as you are learning and discovering the questions by two marketing gurus is invaluable. – Charlotte Johnson, Paris For The Weekend.
The course was so informative and positioned perfectly for anyone new to digital marketing and wanting to learn the basics, to someone who has prior knowledge. Attraction Studio presenters were superb. Extremely helpful, knowledgeable and very passionate about what they do and how they can help others. Everything you’d want to learn was covered off and in a very thorough manner. It’s such a valuable course! – Michele Fantham, Radius Building Ltd
The workshops were packed with helpful information and the facilitators were generous in their customising examples to our businesses and helping us by answering our individual questions. Highly Recommended. – Marina Shearer, Profile Coaching
Excellent training! Efficient use of time and resources. Very high value course that made me competent executing my business goals. – Anne Frankland, Tussock Peak Motor Lodge
Really worthwhile training that was easy to understand and implement. The perfect level between talking Marketing gibberish to me and dumbing it down too much! – Ayesha Harnett, Cohesive Group