03 327 3135

As well as working out what could successfully grow on your farm, you need to know there is a market for what you grow.

If you make changes to your farm, can you bring in a suitable return to justify replacing or adding work to your current activities?

It’s also worth thinking about ‘why’ you are considering diversification. This will help you decide what direction to go in:

    • You have a passion for a particular activity and see an opportunity to supplement your other income – this might not involve farming at all.
    • You have large capital costs coming up for what you are already doing and want to find an alternative before then.
    • You want to lower your impact on the environment, or maybe even improve the environment.
    • You want to pursue regenerative or organic farming practices.
    • You want to prepare for anticipated changes in the market (such as protein alternatives).
    • You want to prepare for anticipated changes in the climate.

When considering what to grow, also consider what skills and infrastructure are needed on farm. Is storage needed, processing equipment and buildings or specialist skills? Some crops may require a high up-front cost while others might bring in a lower return but be easier to make a profit on.

Assistance Available

Paths To Market

Grains and Grasses

Luisetti Seeds are looking for growers of wheat, barley, oats, clover and ryegrass in North Canterbury. Farmers would need their own equipment and storage facilities. Luisetti Seeds have a team of agronomists who would help you to choose your crop and get up and running.


Fruit and Vegetables

PAK’nSAVE Rangiora and Rangiora New World have stated a willingness to buy seasonal produce in volume directly from growers. If you are considering selling directly to a Foodstuffs supermarket we suggest reading their compliance package as there are tight protocols around product safety, growing practice, spray regimes and more.

Wholesalers of fruit and vegetables report little demand for new growers at this time.




CarbonCrop help landowners to improve agricultural resiliance, restore degraded landscapes and boost farm profitability through monitoring existing native forestry or planting new native forestry.

NZ Farm Forestry provides information on all aspects of farm forestry. Their members grow radiata pine; cypress; eucalypts; redwood; blackwood; other exotic species and managed indigenous forests.


Hops have been suggested by many as a potential crop for North Canterbury with a changing climate making our area more suitable.

Beer sales have been declining in New Zealand and worldwide along with higher costs of business putting pressure on both craft breweries and the larger breweries. There is an oversaturation of hops worldwide making it very difficult for new growers to enter the market.



Hemp or Medicinal Cannabis

Hemp and medicinal cannabis are relatively new crop options that many farmers have considered.

The bureaucratic barriers to getting up and running in cannabis production are very high.

Wholesalers indicate that they do not expect a demand for any new growers for 2-3 years for either hemp or cannabis.

Rubisco production

New processing techniques mean that green leafy plants can be converted directly to protein.

This is an exciting new area with many possibilities, but currently demand for raw materials in this industry is being met by existing growers.

Other ENC Resources


How do you get customers to know you exist? Once they do, how can you get them to spend with you? Find out here.

Systems and Processes

Tools, resources and links that will help the administrative side of your business hum.

Funding and Investment

Need money to start, grow or re-invent your business? Here are some possible avenues.

Your Finances

Cashflow is the lifeblood of every business. Browse tools and strategies to help you manage your day to day finances.

HR: Managing Staff Well

Staff can make or break your business. Know your obligations when employing others.


Data helps you make good decisions, understand the wider picture of your industry and validate your plans. We've compiled some key data for North Canterbury businesses.

Growing Your Business

Learn how to successfully grow your business, locally or through exporting.

Sustainability in Business

It might take some up-front investment, but reducing your impact on the world is likely to save you money in the longer term as well as make your brand more attractive.

Social Enterprise

Starting a social enterprise is a noble goal. But what exactly is a social enterprise and how do you go about setting one up?

Managing Decline

What do you do when things are not going as you wanted them to? This page provides information and resources to help with decisionmaking.

Exiting Your Business

Whether selling or walking away, there are a number of things you can do to maximise profit and minimise loss.

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